Cover Reveal of “Lost in Darkness” by Emily Sowden

Hello, guys!
It’s finally here. The cover reveal of “Lost In Darkness” by Emily Sowden – published by Oftomes Publishing.


“Lost in Darkness” is the second book in the trilogy Eldryn Chronicles. The first book is “Trapped In Silver”.

I’ll leave all the informations and synopsis about the first book for you guys to check it out!


AUTHOR: Emily Sowden
TITLE: Trapped In Silver (Eldryn Chronicles #1)
PAGES: 323 pages
PUBLISHER: Oftomes Publishing
FORMATS: Kindle and Paperback



Courage comes from a shadowed place in our hearts; a blurred line that straddles love and sheer stupidity.
To seventeen-year-old Ava, wild woodcats, hungry stragglers, and simple-minded townsfolk are the evils she’s grown accustomed to. But when Ethan, an unusual man with eyes of smoke and fire opal, enters her world she quickly understands that there are worse things out there than drunken men and carnivorous forest creatures. She’s a specialised liar and a hell of a fighter, but against a group of animalistic men called Berserkers she struggles to survive the encounter as the desperate swing of a dagger is all it takes to change her life for good.
Half-dead and hunted by the Berserker’s leader when he forms a monstrous obsession with her, Ava escapes his pursuit in an unfamiliar land full of impossible creatures, unlikely allies, and the man she doesn’t know whether to kiss or kill.
But after dreadful news of her missing brother surfaces, Ava becomes more involved in the centuries-long war and begins to unravel the reasons behind her relentless nightmares, discovering truths long-buried in a violent history of love, loss and betrayal.

The second book is coming out on February 6th, 2018.
I’m really excited for this upcoming release!