Against All Odds (Resultado)

Olá amigos! Como prometido, aqui estou eu para divulgar quem foi o sortudo(a) que vai levar para casa uma cópia de Against All Odds da Patricia Vanasse.

A ganhadora foi @larissamiliely. Parabéns!!
Ela tem 24 horas para entrar em contato comigo, senão sortearei outra pessoa.

Muito obrigada à todos que participaram e curtiram a resenha do livro.

O sorteio aconteceu lá no Instagram e durou duas semanas. É o primeiro evento que administro e adorei a experiência. Torço para que mais sorteios deste tipo ocorram em breve e que mais leitores possam ler alguns dos livros que adoro. Além de ser uma forma genuína de apresentar à comunidade novos autores.

Até logo!

Hello friends! As promised, here I am to announce who was the lucky winner that won a copy of Against All Odds by Patricia Vanasse.

The winner was @larissamiliely. Congratulations!!
She has 24 hours to contact me. If not, I’ll raffle again.

Thank you to everyone who participated and enjoyed the book review.
The draw took place there on Instagram and lasted two weeks. It is the first event that I hosted and I loved the experience. I’m hoping that more draws of this type occur soon and that more readers will be able to read some of the books that I love.
Besides, it’s a genuine way to present new authors to the community.

See you later!

Against All Odds: Giveaway (Sorteio)

Early today I’ve posted a review of Against All Odds. You can check right HERE.
I loved the book! When I finished reading I wanted to share the story with more readers. Days later, I suggested to Patricia (a lovely author) a giveaway. She agreed immediately.

The giveaway will happen on Instagram. The post with all the rules are already there as well.
Against All Odds is a wonderful book. Do not miss this chance!


– Follow me and the author on Instagram;
– Like the official photo;
– Tag 3 friends in the comments at most 3 times (don’t repeat the users or use inactive/famous accounts)

– Extra chances to win:
– Share the official photo with the hashtag #tatakizigiveaway;
– Follow/like or comment on the review of the book here in the blog.

-Accounts made just for giveaways can’t participate.

The giveaway starts today and it will end on May 5. The result will be on my Instagram and here on May 9. There’s two weeks for you to participate!

Prize: 1 paperback copy of Against All Odds (sent directly from the author)

Good luck, everyone!!

Olá leitores!
Hoje trago uma grande novidade. Eu estou organizando um sorteio do livro Against All Odds. Hoje cedo postei uma resenha do livro. Você pode conferir AQUI.
Eu amei o livro e assim que terminei a leitura, eu queria compartilhar a história com mais leitores. Dias depois, sugeri à Patricia (uma autora adorável), o sorteio de uma cópia. Ela concordou de imediato.
O sorteio será no Instagram. O post com todas as regras já estão lá.
Against All Odds é um livro maravilhoso. Não perca esta chance!


Às vezes, o menino encontra a menina, e as estrelas se alinham. Juntos para sempre. Destinados. Mas Max e Loren não são um desses casais.
Dezessete anos de idade, Max DuPont está à beira de se tornar tutela do estado. Quando seu pai é preso, Max não tem escolha senão aceitar uma oferta para viver com o advogado benfeitor de seu pai, o Sr. Larssi. A única condição é que Max deve ficar longe da bela filha adolescente de Larssi, Loren.

Loren está ciente de que ela teve todas as oportunidades em sua vida- ou seja, todas as oportunidades que seus pais projetaram para ela. Ela se destaca em termos acadêmicos em uma escola de preparação competitiva, ela nunca festeja, não namora, e é uma bailarina em treinamento com grandes chances de conseguir uma bolsa de estudos em Juilliard. Mas desde que sua melhor amiga, Lily, morreu tragicamente há
três meses, Loren está perdida. Ela sabe exatamente como a vida é preciosa.

O primeiro passo de Loren em viver sua própria vida pode ser fazer Max notá-la. A única chande de Max ter um futuro sólido, sem a assistência social, é manter distância de Loren. Mas a química é inegável. E eles não podem lutar contra as probabilidades para sempre …


– Ser um seguidor e seguir a autora;
– Curtir a foto oficial;
– Marcar 3 amigos nos comentários no máximo 3 vezes (não pode repetir os usuários ou usar contas de usuário inativos/famosos)

– Chances extras:
– Compartilhe a foto oficial com a hashtag #tatakizigiveaway;
– Seguir/curtir ou comentar a resenha do livro aqui no blog.

– Contas feitas apenas para sorteios não podem participar.

A sorteio começa hoje e encerrará no dia 5 de maio. Postarei o resultado no meu Instagram e aqui no dia 9 de maio. São duas semanas para você participar!

Prêmio: 1 cópia paperback de Against All Odds (enviada diretamente pela autora)

OBS.: O nível de inglês deste livro é bem fácil. Ótimo para quem quer começar a ler ou treinar mais.

Boa sorte à todos!!

Book Review: Against All Odds


Title: Against All Odds
Autor: Patricia Vanasse
Pages: 313
Where to Buy: AmazonBook Depository | Barnes & Noble
Rate: 4,5 stars
Author’s Contact: Click Here

The author sent me a copy in exchange for an honest review.


Sometimes boy meets girl, and the stars align, and their future is laid out neatly before them. Together forever. Meant to be. But Max and Loren are not one of those couples.
Seventeen-year-old Max DuPont is on the verge of becoming a ward of the state and foster kid. When his dad lands himself in jail, Max has no choice but to accept an offer to live with his father’s do-gooder attorney, Mr. Larssi. The only contingency is that Max must stay far away from Larssi’s beautiful teenage daughter Loren.

Loren is aware that she’s had every opportunity in her young adult life—at least, that is, every opportunity her parents designed for her. She excels in academics at a competitive prep school, she never parties, she never dates, and she’s a budding ballerina and major hopeful for a Juilliard scholarship. But since her best friend Lily died tragically three months ago, Loren is lost. She knows just how precious life is.

Loren’s first step in living her own life might be to get Max to notice her. Max’s only chance at a solid future without foster care is to keep his distance from Loren. But their chemistry is undeniable. And they can’t fight the odds forever…

The first time I’ve read the synopsis it immediately caught my attention. I started reading almost two months later and Against All Odds surprised me.
Loren is a girl who recently suffered a big lost and every day she has to deal with it along with the expectations and pressure of her parents.
Max is a good boy. He has great notes at school, plays hockey and one day he sees his family fall apart.

The story focus on Laren thinking that she has to do everything her best friend, Lily, couldn’t do in life. Even if it’s something really stupid. In other side, we can see that Max blames himself for his mother’s abandonment. At the same time, he can’t forgive her for leaving when he most needed her. He suddenly needs to learn how to manage his house and take care of his drunk father.

I loved that it’s not just the attraction that united Max and Loren, but the problems and difficulties they both face. One supports the other without expecting something in return, simply by the fact that they both know how is to lose someone.

“Who did you lose?”
This girl is full of questions.
“Nobody.” Or everyone – depends how I look at it. People don’t really need to die to be gone.”

The characters are portrayed in a deep and thorough way. Details that describes perfectly an exat moment and what the main characters are passing through; all their hopes and pain.
They both are very independent. Loren, because she wants to be free to make her own decisions and Max, because is necessary since he is the only one who can take care of himself.

The book is told from the point of view of Loren and Max. I liked most of the Max’s POV. It was a more direct and short form, unlike Loren’s POV that was a bit longer.
I also loved all the other characters. They were well used and composed a good plot.
The main characters develop so much throughout the book. Loren goes through several changes until she reach acceptance and face her problems and losses; as the same time Max reluctantly try gradually forgive his parents. Both move on after a long and traumatic journey, together.

“Life is delicate, it’s fragile, it’s a precious thing. you never know when you’re going to lose it. Live life when you can because you never know which second will be your last.”

There are so many real elements in this story. Protective parents, friendship, loyalty, losses, decisions for the future, etc.
I was thrilled every time Loren and Max describes how they were feeling desperate.
The end of the book leaves ample room for the reader imagine about the future of the characters, which I enjoyed it.
At first, you’ll probably think this book is more of the same, as I thought, but it isn’t. I highly recommend Against All Odds. It’s a light story, complex and lovely.

Interview with the author:

When did you start writing books?
I’m not like most authors, as I did not grow up writing stories. My passion for writing came later in life after I had been through law school, culinary arts, and psychology. I finally found my true love in creative writing. Today, I have three published books: Resilient, Awakened, and Against All Odds.

What inspired you to write this novel?
I absolutely love contemporary novels, and after having two teenage Brazilian girls living with me for six months, I was inspired to write about over protective parents. And from that experience, came the idea for Against All Odds.

Are you working on anything new at the moment?
I just finished writing a character driven contemporary that dives into peer pressure, bad choices, and first love. Hopefully, I’ll be sharing more details soon.

Will your books be translated to Portuguese in the near future?
That is definitely a dream of mine. Although I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, I’m not confident enough to translate my books to Portuguese. Portuguese is a very rich and complex language, and I wouldn’t want to butcher it. But I would love to see my books translated to Portuguese.