I was Nominated for the Liebster Award!


I was nominated by Leticia and Nikki. Thank you so much girls and sorry for the delay. This means a lot to me!
I started this book blog in February which means A Full Time Reader is turning 3 months of existence.
I love to write and here I feel it’s the best place for it. Thank you again for all your support and let’s get to the questions.

Here are the rules:

– Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award.
– Answer 11 question that the blog gives you.
– Give 11 random facts about yourself.
– Nominate 5-11 blogs you think are deserving of the award that have less than 200 – followers.
– Let the blogs know you have nominated them. Give them 11 questions to answer.

I have a lot of questions to answer so I’ll try to be quickly.

Leticia’s Questions:

1. Which do you prefer: eReader or Paper book?
For a long time I’ve only read physical books, but now I’m reading more ebooks. Many times I can’t bring a book with me, but I always have my phone by my side.

2. Do you have a favourite movie?
I have so many favourite movies! I never get tired of watching the Step Up movies.

3. What do you do besides write blog posts?
I study, I read and take photos for Bookstagram on my free time.

4. What is your biggest goal in life?
Study and work with what I like, make my parents proud of me, keep writing and have my own library at home.

5. What is one of your favourite book/author quotes?
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” -Shakespeare.

6. Are you a gamer? If so, what’s your pick: console/pc?
I’m not. I love to play with my friends when I can tho.

7. What is your top 5 favourite movies?
My favourites are: The Avengers, The Time Traveler’s Wife, Kingsman, Insidious and The Devil Wears Prada.

8. What is your top 5 favourite television series?
This questions is so hard! I watch and love so many.. The Walking Dead, The Blacklist, The Vampire Diaries, Arrow, The Big Bang Theory.

9. What is one thing you wish that you could give the world?

This is a deep question.

10. What is your least liked thing about blogging?
I started blogging recently so I don’t have something that I don’t like yet.

11. How do you normally prepare to write a book review?
I make notes of what I thought, what I liked and why. This is my base. Then I put other things and maybe photos.

Nikki’s Questions:

1. What made you fall in love with reading?
Reading is one of the things that made my day more relaxing, activates my creativity and nourish my mind.

2. What are you currently reading?
I’ve just finished Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. I’m thinking on start The Selection now.

3. What do you think makes a good book?
A plot that captivates you, make you entertain and even teach you something good.

4. Who is your favourite author?
This is hard. Even that Tahereh Mafi wrote just one trilogy, I have to say that she is my favourite author.

5. How do you spend your time when your not reading?
I was used to watch a lot of movies and TV Shows, but now I don’t have time. I just study and go to sleep.

6. Do you prefer ebooks or paperback?
I like both. Ebooks are so easier to read and carry with you, but paperbacks still are my favourite.

7. What is your favourite book of all time?
Shatter Me.

8. Do you prefer winter or summer?
Winter, please!

9. Do you only read new books or will you go back and reread books?
If I really liked of the book or forgot some details, I’ll definitely reading again.

10. Do you like books that are made into films?
Yes! I love the experience of reading and imagining. I’m a big fan of movie adaptations so I can see another point of view.

11. What is the best bit about having a blog?
I can write about books, meet new people, train my writing skills in english and a lot more.

11 Facts About Me:

1. Reading/watch movies and TV Shows makes me happy.
2. I want to write a book since I was a child. I do not know if I can keep myself motivated for such a process.
3. I love to make lists.
4. I have a dog. His name is Spoke (I wasn’t thinking of Star Trek).
5. It’s been almost one year that I own a Bookstagram.
6. I love to go to the movie theater.
7. It’s been two years that I don’t buy a lot of books.
8. I always wanted to create a Youtube channel but I’m shy.
9. My dream is to travel and live in USA.
10. I try my best to keep my books to looks like it’s new. I don’t write on it, I barely open it and nobody is allowed to touch it. I’m crazy.
11. I’ve created a blog because I wanted to share my love for books, keep me creative and practice my writing skills.

My Questions for the Nominee’s:

1. Which book made you start reading?
2. Are you a slow or fast reader?
3. 5 books that you always recommend.
4. Do you keep track of your reading?
5. How do you prepare yourself to write a book review?
6. What you do to get out of a reading slump?
7. Do you have daily reading goals?
8. 3 songs you can’t stop listening at the moment
9. 5 movies you recommend.
10. Do you have a lot of books in your TBR?
11. If you could choose to be a character which one would you be?

I Nominate:

Leslie’s Library
The Girl Who Reads Books
The Sapphire
A Bookaholic Girl
Aline Mattos Review
The Panda Book Blog
The Book Cubby